THank you for attending ANZET15

ANZET15 is done and dusted and we are already planning ANZET16!

On behalf of the organising committee I want to thank everyone who attended the meeting in Melbourne, and I hope that you found it both valuable and enjoyable.

The most important part of any organisation is its people and the ANZET people are extraordinary and a privilege to know. You are what makes the meeting a success and I look forward to meeting old friends and making new ones in Adelaide next year. Tell your colleagues that if they don't come to ANZET they are missing out – see the pictures below if you don't believe me!

Jim Stewart
ANZET Convenor

Please click the links below for the full image gallery of ANZET15. 
Gala Dinner 


This year featured Michael Laude, presenting the Louis Bernstein Lecture and live cases from the Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney. 

Michael Haude - Louis Bernstein Lecturer

Live case - Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney

Congratulations Elizabeth Shaw who won the Fellows’ Prize of a trip to TCT (accommodation, travel and registration) as well as a visit to Alan Yeung’s lab at Stanford. Day 2 also featured live cases from St Paul's Hospital, Vancouver and The Alfred, Melbourne. 

Elizabeth Shaw

Michael Haude, Elizabeth Shaw, Ravinay Bhindi, Jerrett Lau and Edward Danson

Fellows' Prize Presentations:
Jerrett Lau, NSW - When every ml counts
Elizabeth Shaw, QLD - If you can’t go through It, go around It
Edward Danson, NSW - Persistent pericardial bleeding from a venous source following anterograde dissection re-entry coronary angioplasty to a chronic total occlusion


Day 3 featured three symposia

  • Affiliates’ 
  • CTO / Complex PCI and the 
  • Coronary Physiology and Imaging Symposium